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Julie Tucker-Wolek

How exciting!! I was all ready following you on here and FB-- and just started on Twitter too!! LOVING the sketch and the sneaks too!!! I am loving the new buttons from your latest collections!!

Margie Visnick

Great sneaks! Off to hop!

Margie Visnick

I like Lily Bee on FB!

Margie Visnick

/i am a Twitter follower, and I retweeted the hop! (@margievis)

Margie Visnick

I follow Lily Bee on Pinterest!

Kathy Skou

Already a follower on FB, Pinterest and Instagram! Great hop...the ladies did a fabby job!

Margie Visnick

Did the hop-great work from everyone! The only one who hasn't gone live yet is Summer. I love the new Sweet Shoppe papers!!


I loved all the creations from the DTs. Specially liked the chipboards from 'Lovely' collection. I am not much of a scrapbooker. To be honest, I have made only one page till date :) But your designs are so lovely that I really want to try scrapbooking. I was meaning to participate in Feb. challenges, but me and my laziness! I will definitely participate in March one though. I am already a fan on FB. Don't use Instagram or twitter, so they are out. Though I have an account at pinterest, I don't If I have got a hang of 'pinning' and 'boarding'. Thanks for showcasing beautiful creations.

Susan Kopp

I follow on Facebook and love your products. The product I love most are the Alphas....I am obsessed with them. Thanks for the chance to win!


I love the label stickers! I am a follower on FB! Off to check out the blogs!

julie e

Love the labels, sweet shop alphas and circles

julie e

I follow on pinterest

julie e

I'm a facebook fan.

Cindy s

Loved everything! Thanks for the chance o win and Happy Birthday!

Sandy L   CT

Happy Birthday! LOVED the hop - the layouts were all different and interesting and fun.

Sandy L   CT

I am a follower on Pinterest

Sandy L   CT

I am a follower on Facebook

Sandy L   CT

I tweeted!

Miriam Prantner

Great hop today! My favorite embellishments are the alphas (of course) and the chit chat stickers. Thanks for the chance to win!

Miriam Prantner

I'm a FB fan already

Miriam Prantner

Following on Instagram now and tagged some crafty friends

Miriam Prantner

Following on Twitter and retweeted

Miriam Prantner

I also follow you on Pinterest


Already a follower on FB.


Off to hop:)

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